Keyword: Enrichment

Bien-être animal : choisir les enrichissements de ses poulets

Estelle Guérin, Mathilde Stomp

Published in 2022

Technical article setting out the results of ITAVI's work on a multi-criteria analysis of different types of enrichment available on the market that take into account the needs of birds: exploration, perching, dust bathing, self protection and rest.

Document Types: Technical review

Animal categories: Poultry

Keywords:Adaptation of the environment to the animal, Enrichment, Housing, Human-animal relationships, Societal issues

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Welfare Assessment Protocol for Shelter Dogs

S. Barnard, C. Pedernera, A. Velarde, P. Dalla Villa

Published in 2014

Protocol to assess the welfare of dogs in shelters at shelter, cage and individual levels

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories:Canine

Keywords:Animal-based measurement, Enrichment, Housing, Living environment, Human-animal relationships, Stress, Welfare indicators

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Etude sanitaire de l’élevage canin et félin et contrôle de socialisation du chien

Alain Fontbonne

Published in 2000

Report on the health aspects of animal protection on puppy farms and cat breeding establishments, and on the monitoring of how dogs are socialised, produced at the request of the French Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries in preparation for the drafting of regulatory documents on legal enforcement procedures with regard to dangerous and stray animals and animal protection

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories:Canine

Keywords:Enrichment, Housing, Living environment, Human-animal relationships, Stress, Welfare indicators

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Code rural et de la pêche maritime – Partie législative : Livre II, Titre Ier, Chapitre IV, Section 2 sur les dispositions relatives aux animaux de compagnie

French Government

Published in 1976

Dispositions relatives à la protection des animaux de compagnie

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: Canines, Felines, Exotic pets

Keywords:Enrichment, Housing, Living environment, Human-animal relationships, Stress, Welfare indicators

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Arrêté du 3 avril 2014 fixant les règles sanitaires et de protection animale auxquelles doivent satisfaire les activités liées aux animaux de compagnie d’espèces domestiques relevant des articles L. 214-6-1, L. 214-6-2 et L. 214-6-3 du code rural et de la pêche maritime

French Ministry of Agriculture and Food

Published in 2014

Order laying down the animal health and protection rules that must be met in activities involving companion animals from domestic species

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: Canines, Felines

Keywords:Enrichment, Housing, Living environment, Human-animal relationships, Stress, Welfare indicators

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Perches as Cooling Devices for Reducing Heat Stress in Caged Laying Hens: A Review

Jiaying Hu, Yijie Xiong, Richard S. Gates, Heng-Wei Cheng

Published in 2021

Scientific review presenting the results of a multi-year study on the capacity of perches containing a cooling circuit to reduce heat stress in laying hens. It demonstrates the effectiveness of this cooling system when combined with an enrichment element in reducing body heat and heat stress in laying hens.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories: Poultry

Keywords:Enrichment, Housing, Breeding and rearing systems

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Environmental enrichment increases aquatic animal welfare: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Zonghang Zhang, Lijia Gao, Xiumei Zhang

Published in 2021

Systematic review of the scientific literature showing that the effect on overall welfare of environmental enrichment for farmed fish depends mainly on the type of enrichment, the taxon of the fish, and the welfare category.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories: Fish

Keywords:Enrichment, Living environment, Breeding and rearing systems, Welfare indicators

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Reduced Stocking Density and Provision of Straw in a Rack Improve Pig Welfare on Commercial Fattening Farms

Katharina Schodl, Lisa Wiesauer, Christoph Winckler, Christine Leeb

Published in 2021

Scientific article demonstrating that it is possible to improve some welfare conditions of fattening pigs in conventional farming through simple measures such as reducing stocking density and providing straw or hay as enrichment material.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories: Porcines

Keywords:Enrichment, Living environment, Stress, Breeding and rearing systems

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ChickenTrack - Rapport européen 2021

CIWF France

Published in 2021

The CIWF's first ChickenTrack 2021 report, an EggTrack-based tool to track the progress of major food companies that have signed up to the Better Chicken Commitment to improve broiler welfare in, for example, the reduction of stocking densities, environmental enrichment, and the raising of slower-growing strains.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories: Poultry

Keywords:Adaptation of the environment to the animal, Enrichment, Housing, Human-animal relationships, Societal issues

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The changing face and associated drivers of research on welfare of the gestating sow

Maria Costanza Galli, Flaviana Gottardo, Barbara Contiero, Annalisa Scollo, Laura Ann Boyle

Published in 2021

Scientific review noting a growing interest among scientists in Oceania, Latin America and Asia in the welfare issues for pregnant sows, as well as the emergence of new research topics in recent years, including group sow management and environmental enrichment.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories: Porcines

Keywords: Enrichment, Housing, Living environment,Societal issues

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