Keyword: Living environment

Machine Vision Applications for Welfare Monitoring in Aquaculture: Challenges and Opportunities

Fitzgerald, A., Ioannou, C.C., Consuegra, S., Dowsey, A. and Garcia de Leaniz, C.

Published in 2025

Review article examining the practical applications of AI for monitoring animal welfare in aquaculture. Detection of diseases, parasites and stress-related behaviors remains limited, not least because of the practical difficulties of observations on commercial farms. Algorithmic advances such as YOLO could improve the accuracy and adaptability of these systems.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories: Fish

Keywords:Adaptation of the animal to the environment, precision farmingIdentification, Well-being indicator, Living environment, Stress, Behavioral disorders

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Farmed yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor; Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) welfare: species-specific recommendations for a global industry

Barrett, M., Godfrey, R.K., Schnell, A., & Fischer, B.

Published in 2024

Review examining the factors influencing the welfare of yellow mealworms in farming, such as abiotic conditions, nutrition, intra/interspecific interactions and slaughter methods. Practical recommendations and research orientations are proposed to improve and anticipate welfare issues in this rapidly expanding sector.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories:invertebrates, Insects

Keywords:Adaptation of the environment to the animal, Euthanasia, Well-being indicator, Living environment, Stress

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The Interface of Caretaker and Animal Well-being As a Critical Component of Sustainability

Edwards-Callaway, L. N. & Sullivan, P. A.

Published in 2024

Study exploring welfare, both human and animal, as one of the pillars of sustainability in the farmed animal industry. This pillar is often neglected in favor of the environmental and economic pillars.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories: Bovines, Caprines, Equines, Ovines, Porcines, Poultry

Keywords:Animal adaptation to environment, Animal-based measurement, Societal issues, Environment, Welfare indicator, Living environment, One Welfare, Human-animal relationship, Stress, livestock farming systemBehavioral disorders

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Measuring on-farm welfare in rabbits: a review with emphasis on animal-based indicators

Trocino A, Tolini C.

Published in 2024

Study proposing a roadmap for assessing rabbit welfare by integrating multi-dimensional indicators, particularly for positive and negative affective states.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories:Monogastric

Keywords:Adaptation of the animal to the environment, Adaptation of the environment to the animal, Animal-based measurement, Welfare indicator, Housing, Living environment, Behavioral disorders

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The carbon cost of impaired welfare on sheep farms

L. Lanzoni, M.C. Reeves, K. Waxenberg, R. Ramsey, A.S. Atzori, J. Bell, R.M. Rees, G. Vignola, C.M. Dwyer

Published in 2025

Study analyzing the impact of animal welfare on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on sheep farms in the UK. Degraded welfare scenarios (lameness, parasites, inadequate feed, insufficient shelter) increase emissions intensity (kg CO2eq/kg liveweight) by reducing production efficiency. The results show that targeted interventions to improve animal welfare can reduce GHGs while optimizing farm performance.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories: Ovines

Keywords:Adaptation of the animal to the environment, Societal issues, Environment, Living environment, livestock farming system

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Welfare and performance benefits of shade provision during summer for feedlot cattle in a temperate climatic zone

David W Miller, Anne L Barnes, Teresa Collins, Liselotte Pannier, Joshua Aleri, Shane K Maloney, Fiona Anderson

Published in 2024

Study evaluating the benefits of access to shade for cattle in a temperate zone. Results showed a slight improvement in weight gain and calmer, more sociable behavior in cattle with access to shade under conditions of moderate heat stress.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories: Bovines

Keywords:Animal adaptation to environment, Animal-based measurement, Environment, Welfare indicators, Living environment, Robustness, Behavioral disorders

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Assemblée nationale : réponse écrite à la question n°1069 : Transition hors-cage des élevages avicoles

Question: Mme Béatrice Roullaud Seine-et-Marne (6th district) - Rassemblement National. Answer: Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry

Published in 2024

Answer from the French Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry to a question from a Member of Parliament concerning the now pressing implementation of the transition to cage-free poultry farming.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: Poultry

Key words:Adaptation of the environment to the animal, Livestock building, Pain, Housing, Living environment, Stress, livestock farming system

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Thoughtful or distant farmer: Exploring the influence of human-animal relationships on rabbit stress, behavior, and emotional responses in two distinct living environments

Manon Fetiveau, Davi Savietto, Andrew M Janczak, Laurence Fortun-Lamothe and Valérie Fillon

Published in 2024

Study showing that rabbits living in simple environments or benefiting from positive human interaction displayed more exploratory and interested behaviors towards humans. The quality of the human-animal relationship and the environment influenced their welfare, with no significant difference in physiological stress.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories:Monogastric

Keywords:Animal-based measurement, Enrichment, Housing, Living environment, Human-animal relationship, Socialization, Stress

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Welfare and stress of horses used for Equine-assisted services: A systematic review

Bethany H. Baxley, Howard Rodriguez-Mori, Nichole C. Anderson

Published in 2024

Systematic review summarizing the existing literature on horse stress and welfare in equine assistance services (EAS). According to the 28 articles identified, behavioral and health problems are most frequently encountered in EAS centers, leading to a high rate of horse turnover. The study reveals gaps in the research carried out and encourages the development of more high-quality research.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories: Equines

Keywords:Animal mediation, Animal housing, Animal welfare indicator, Human-animal relationship,Working animals, Living environment, Stress, Behavioral disorders

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Enhancing Welfare for Aquarium Fishes with an Ecologically Relevant Environment

Paul Rose

Published in 2024

Article highlighting the importance of better understanding the biology and behavior of domestic fish in order to provide them with appropriate care when raised in aquariums.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories: Fish

Key words:Adaptation of the environment to the animal, Enrichment, Housing, Living environment, Socialization

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