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Denmark: animals are sentient beings according to new and consolidated animal welfare laws

By February 11, 2020March 11th, 2020No Comments

Document type: article published in Pig333 Professional Pig Community

Preview: Today the Danish Parliament adopted the Minister of Food, Mogens Jensen's proposal for a new and simplified animal welfare law. The current Animal Protection Act dates back to the early 1990s. In addition, a number of animal-specific laws exist.

When the new Animal Welfare Act comes into force after January 1, 2021, 11 welfare laws will be merged into one. At the same time, the number of regulations is to be halved from about 40 to about 20.

The law contains a new provision that states that good animal welfare must be promoted, including protecting animals and respecting them as living and sentient beings with behavioral needs that must be addressed.

From the pig333 website