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Precision farming

BatiScreen : les vaches sous caméra pendant 24 heures

By March 3, 2020March 18th, 2020No Comments

Document type: news item from L'Agriculteur normand website

Author : Sandrine Bossière

Preview: what do cows get up to when farmers are not around? The answer to this question is provided by Littoral Normand's new service. The breeding advisory organization has equipped itself with Time Lapse cameras to provide 24-hour footage of what the herd is doing. In Gouvets, at the Pomme d'or farming cooperative, Mickaël Barbier has been testing the device […]

Positioned to show the feeding passageway and the cubicles, the camera provides 24-hour coverage of animal movements. "We can observe the herd's behaviour in the unit during times when nobody is around, when their feed is distributed, or throughout the night. This method allows us to diagnose the herd's welfare," says Florine Hardy, who is in charge of testing at Littoral Normand.

From the Agriculteur normand website.