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Loger les veaux laitiers “à deux” pour améliorer leur bien-être : l’expérience du pair housing au Canada

By May 26, 2020June 10th, 2020No Comments

Document type: article published by Idele

Preview: In dairy farming, calves are usually separated from their mothers shortly after birth. This practice is increasingly coming under the scrutiny of both farmers and consumers, who wonder about the possible negative effects of this early separation on animal welfare and the health of the calf and cow. The rearing of replacement heifers is indeed one of the most critical issues in dairy farming, as milk-fed calves (whether the milk is natural or artificial) are frequently prone to disease. New rearing techniques are therefore being tested in the interest of both farmers and their calves in order to improve the rearing conditions and welfare of dairy animals and to provide pathways for practical implementation.

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From the CABI One Health website