Document type: article published in Fish Focus (UK)
Author : Fish Focus
Preview: The Crustacean Industry Welfare Hub (CIWH) is launching this week to help food companies improve welfare standards for decapod crustaceans in their supply chain.
Since decapod crustaceans - such as crabs, lobsters, prawns/shrimp and nephrops - were recognised as sentient in UK law in April 2022, consumer and industry expectations for decapod welfare standards have been increasing.
CIWH is a free, members-only, industry-focused site that will support businesses in all sectors, throughout the sea to plate journey, to review their management and working practices, so they can understand and meet these expectations.
The hub includes information and resources specific to each stage of the crustacean industry, including fishing, processing, retail, live export and transport and the restaurant and food service sectors.
CIWH has been developed by Crustacean Compassion, which works for the humane treatment and legal protection of decapod crustaceans in the food supply chain and beyond. [...]The hub can be found at with member applications being processed after the launch date.