Full title: Opinion from FRCAW on the choice of indicators and methodology to be used in assessing France’s national action plan for animal welfare.
Requested by: Office of Animal Protection (BPA) - French Directorate General for Food (DGAL) - French Ministry of Agriculture and Food
Date of request: 16/07/2018
Delivery date: 01/11/2019
Deliverables: Interviews and working document - no online official document available
The FRCAW was asked, following a meeting of the 'Animal Welfare' expert committee of the CNOPSAV (French national strategic advisory committee on animal and plant health policy) on 6 July 2018, to deliver an opinion on the list of indicators proposed by the French Ministry of Agriculture to evaluate the national action plan for animal welfare.
Experts commented in three interviews (25 July, 1 August and 7 August 2018), having read and analysed the methodological data sheets describing each indicator produced by the Bureau de la Protection Animale (BPA).
Main conclusions of the FRCAW
The main conclusions and suggestions of the FRCAW are confidential.