Document type : news item from La Dépêche Vétérinaire n°1544
Author : La Dépêche Vétérinaire
Preview: On the basis of the expert Opinion avis relatif à l’euthanasie d’animaux non justifiée par des raisons médicales delivered on 30 September by the French 'Animal, Environnement, Santé' ethics committee, the French national veterinary council (CNOV) on 12 October restated its position that "the vocation, training and mission of the veterinarian is to care for and protect animals, to work to improve public health and preserve the environment and not, a priori, to end their lives".
The Order would remind the public that the euthanasia of animals, a "singular act in veterinary practice, with a high emotional impact (...) through which (the veterinarian) assumes responsibility", "is generally carried out for medical reasons, when there is no possible alternative way to alleviate their pain or suffering but, in certain specific situations, it can be for other reasons". These last may place the veterinarian in a difficult position as regards his or her clients, personal values or conscience.