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Animal husbandry and human-animal relationships

Vivre parmi les animaux, mieux les comprendre

By October 29th, 2020February 2nd, 2021No Comments

Document type : book published by Quae

Authors: Pierre Le Neindre, Bertrand Deputte

Preview: The authors of this work offer an analysis of key questions raised by the study of animal behaviour. In their view, ethology is not about anecdotes, but is the result of particular methodologies that enable precise questions to be answered. They also encourage us to be humble and accept that we do not always understand the answers given by animals to our questions, precisely because these are our questions and not theirs. The essential thing about dealing with animals is our relationship with them. We must think of them with respect them as our "roommates" who share the same space. This book discusses the historical, conceptual and methodological dimensions of ethology, especially those of cognitive ethology. The perceptive and cognitive capacities of animals and their relational behaviours are described. The use of animal welfare concepts in scientific, commercial, regulatory and legal contexts highlights their social importance. The authors provide a guide to ethology in order to better understand scientific developments concerning various aspects of animal relationships and concepts such as animal consciousness and feelings. They propose future courses of action to help animals.

This book will be read with interest by people with a knowledge of veterinary medicine, zoology or ethology and, more generally, by all those who wish to adopt a discerning approach to scientific advances in these fields.

From the Quae site