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Animal husbandry and human-animal relationships

Quels outils pour répondre aux attentes sociétales vis-à- vis de l’élevage de porc ?

By October 30, 2020November 10th, 2020No Comments

Document type : video from the IFIP

Author: Sandrine Espagnol, Anne Hémonic, Valérie Courboulay, Christine Roguet

Preview: Sandrine Espagnol, an environmental engineer, along with Anne Hémonic, a veterinarian, Valérie Courboulay, an animal welfare engineer and Christine Roguet, an IFIP economist, discuss  tools that enable farmers to meet new societal expectations of pig farming. 

Presentation at the IFIP webinar 'La R&D s’invite chez vous' on October 9, 2020.


From the IFIP website