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Animal welfare assessment and Labelling

Proposition d’une grille d’évaluation du bien-être des veaux et des génisses laitiers (0-6 mois) intégrant une observation continue

By November 6th, 2020February 2nd, 2021No Comments

Document type : Thesis for the State Diploma of Veterinary Doctor, Oniris University of Nantes

Author : Clarisse Frémont

Summary: Currently, we are seeing the extensive use of welfare assessment tools for dairy cattle by livestock professionals. Only a small number of these tools fully conbine the evaluation of calves and heifers. Furthermore, the behavioural indicators selected are measured on particuar occasions during visits that allow limited observation time. The objective of this thesis is to respond to these two problems by proposing an evaluation grid for the well-being of calves and heifers in dairy farming using continuous observation. This continuous observation of the animals is made possible by the installation of a time-lapse camera for three days in the suckler pen.  This camera makes it possible both to avoid completely the presence of an assessor who could disrupt the animals' behaviours and also to assess behaviours across a wider observation range including meal distribution times or even at night. After being used on 23 farms, this new tool appears to be a rich source of information to complement a more conventional audit grid consisting of a questionnaire to the farmer and a farm visit. First, it makes it possible to increase the number of indicators for the "Appropriate Behavior" criterion. Second, the comprehensive range of indicators that are measured by the camera makes it possible to assess the direct effects of risks on animals where, conventionally, indirect indicators have had to be used. This makes it possible to provide the farmer with a risk analysis and advice.

Thesis discussed in an article on 12 January 2021 in the Bulletin de veille produced by the Centre d'études et de prospective of the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food: Evaluation du bien-être des animaux par vidéosurveillance

From the Oniris University of Nantes veterinary thesis site