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Chez les chiens, la race ne suffit pas pour prédire et prévenir le risque de morsure

By February 8th, 2021February 16th, 2021No Comments

Document type : news item from website of the Anses

Preview: Thousands of dog bites are reported every year in France. The current regulations for their prevention are based on a dog's breed or racial type. Following an expert assessment on the subject, the ANSES has concluded that this offers insufficent grounds for reliable prediction of the risk of a bite. Given the public health issues associated with dog bites, the Agency calls for the implementation a preventive framework using a combination of several levers. These include awareness-raising amongbreeders and dog owners ofthe needs of animals and the training that should be provided to them, a greater role for veterinarians, and the creation of a system to observe and collect information on biting. In particular, the Agency recommends greater attention to the behavioural assessment of dogs. Last, the Anses reminds its readers that any dog can bite, regardless of size or breed, and that, as a result, children should never be left alone with a dog without adult supervision.

Link to the full report (230 pages)

Opinion discussed in a news item on 7 February 2021 on the Le Figaro with AFP website:Le risque de morsure ne dépend pas de la race du chien, selon l’Anses

From the ANSES website