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Que pensent les Français de la culture de cellules musculaires pour produire de la viande ?

By March 19th 2021May 5th, 2021No Comments

Document type : Article published in Viandes et Produits carnés

Authors: Élise Hocquette, Jingjing Liu, Marie-Pierre Ellies-Oury, Sghaier Chriki, Jean-François Hocquette

Preview: Presented by its designers and supporters as a more ethical and environmentally friendly product than meat from livestock farming, the question of "artificial meat" is a divisive one that has failed to convince most French citizens, especially those who are familiar with the meat sector. On the other hand, though, young people aged 18 to 30 and women are more receptive to it as these groups are more concerned about the current ethical and environmental problems involved in livestock farming. […]

As a response to current environmental and ethical issues (eg global heating, animal welfare, the suffering, living conditions and slaughter of animals) but also to constraints on capacity for conventional meat production (limited agricultural resources and an ever-growing population), a number of private scientific research start-ups have devoted themselves to the introduction and large-scale development of artificial meat as the meat product of the future.

From the Viandes et produits carnés magazine website