Document type : French National Assembly written answer published in the Journal officiel de la République française
Authors: Question: Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (Non-registered - Essonne). Answer: Ministry of Agriculture and Food
Question: Mr Nicolas Dupont-Aignan draws the attention of the Minister for Agriculture and Food to the regulation of animal slaughter. Current regulations authorise exemptions from the obligation to stun animals before bleeding for the ritual production of meat. However, there are no precise statistics on the levels of demand for meat from animals slaughtered without stunning, nor on the production of such meat in each French Département, whether for domestic consumption or for export. These statistics would make it possible to evaluate changes in production, demand and the government's monitoring of these exemptions. He would therefore like to know whether the Government intends to make public the statistics required before the end of the first half of 2021 for the evaluation and oversight of these exemptions.
Answer: Collection at national level of information on slaughter volumes is carried out by the Statistics and Forecasting Department of the Ministry of Agriculture using overall figures. The Ministry of Agriculture does not have any statistical data related to the production of or demand for meat specifically from ritual slaughter.