Document type : Technical Instruction DGAL/SDSanimal welfare/2021-900 of 26-11-2021 issued by the French Ministry of Agriculture andFood
Author: Bureau du bien-être animal, DGAL/SDSanimal welfare, French Ministry of Agriculture and Food
Preview: Subject: Support plan for the care of abandoned and end-of-life animals - Part B (measure 4 - workstream 2 "Agriculture, food, forestry" in the French recovery plan): on launching the call for local projects to improve the care of abandoned and end-of-life animals and to sterilise stray animals
Summary: This instruction specifies the practical procedures to be followed by French Départements in launching calls for projects and in scrutinising the applications received, as part of the renewal of measure 4B of the French recovery plan to provide "support for local projects carried out by animal protection associations".
Measure 4B of the French recovery plan on providing "support for local projects run by animal protection associations" was implemented from 2 January to 8 April 2021 through formal calls for projects from local authorities. The purpose of Part B is to improve the care of abandoned animals and prevent abandonment by providing help to associations working to sterilise animals (cats in mainland France, but also dogs in the overseas Départements).
This measure, which was initially allocated a budget of 14 million euros, was highly successful, leading to the early closure of the application process and the non-funding of cases that were eligible for assistance. [...] It was in this context that, on 4 October, the President of the Republic announced the provision of an additional 15 million euros for Measure 4B.
The terms and conditions for granting this second envelope have been modified to take into account the experience gained during the first call and to allow funding to be managed in a way that better suits local needs and addresses the operational issues facing the OCAD [Observatory for the protection of domestic carnivores].
Thus, this second envelope will be allocated as part of a call for projects that allows greater flexibility in the eligibility criteria for projects/expenditure. The focus of the measure's objectives will also shift to sterilisation campaigns and groups operating without the use of shelters (see II.) [...].
1) Increasing the number of sterilisation campaigns
In this new call for projects, it is requested that the submission of projects to carry out sterilisation campaigns should be encouraged.
To this end, DdecPP/DAAF officers will provide information to their Département's mayors on the importance of sterilisation.
2) Recognition and support for associations operating without shelters
The aim here is to provide financial support to enable associations without shelters who place abandoned animals in foster homes to comply with the provisions of Article 3bis of the Bill to combat animal abuse and strengthen the bond between animals and humans (see Appendix 8 for the text).
You can download a PDF of the full text of the technical instructionhere