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Interview : Quel impact des hypertypes sur le bien-être animal ?

By February 14th 2022March 12th, 2022No Comments

Document type Podcast from the French Chaire Bien-Être Animal (16 min 31)

Authors: Chaire Bien-Être Animal, Marie Abitbol

Presentation: A German Shepherd whose pelvis is too low, a French Bulldog whose nose is too squashed, are examples of what we call  "hypertypes", which concern many animals and are likely, in some cases, to have a direct impact on their welfare. 
The Chaire Bien-Être Animal will be discussing this subject today  with Marie Abitbol, a veterinarian, a teacher-researcher in genetics, a consultant in preventive medicine at the Lyon veterinary school (VetAgro Sup), and a member of the scientific commission of the Société Centrale Canine and the Livre Officiel des Origines Féline.

Animal Welfare Chair
From the Chaire Bien-Être Animal website