Document type: French government decree No. 2022-1354 of October 24, 2022 published in the Journal officiel de la République française
Authors: Elisabeth Borne, Marc Fesneau, Eric Dupond-Moretti
Target audience: associations operating without shelters and any natural or moral person who acquires, transfers (whether for a fee or free of charge) or keeps a pet animal, any keeper of equidae.
Subject: the protection of companion animals and eother small companion animalstment of the application of penalties for non-compliance with certain animal welfare rules.
Entry into force: the text enters into force under the conditions set in article 5.
Notice : this Decree appliesArticle 7 of Law n° 2021-1539 of November 30, 2021, setting out the procedures by which associations operating without shelters must declare and set up health regulatory systems and introducing fines for non-compliance with the new provisions for the protection of companion animals and equidae. Last, the Order amends cross-references in light of changes toarticle 131-16 of the penal codeand repeals those provisions that no longer apply.
References: The decree and the provisions of the French rural and maritime fishing code which it amends can be consulted on the Légifrance website (