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L’Allemagne renforce les règles relatives au transport des animaux

By November 2nd, 2022November 15th, 2022No Comments

Document type : article published by Euractiv France

Authors : Julia Dahm. English  translation : Daniel Eck

Preview: Germany will further restrict the transport of live animals to countries outside the EU, but without EU-wide regulation, the Agriculture Ministry’s push could remain ineffective.
After withdrawing German veterinary certificates for cattle, sheep and goats to be slaughtered and fattened for non-EU states earlier this year, Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir announced the country would do the same for breeding from mid-2023.

“We can no longer stand by and watch animals suffer or die in agony on long journeys,” said in a statement on Friday (28 October).

The aim is to “further strengthen animal welfare during transport”, the minister said.
German ban, not enough
However, because certificates are not only issued by governments and can also be agreed upon between exporters and the destination country or trading partner, Germany’s ban will not put a complete stop to third-country exports.

This is why the German minister hopes its move will pressure other EU member states to follow suit.

“No animal is helped if national bans are circumvented by first taking animals to another member state to export them from there to third countries,” said Özdemir, adding that the European Commission must now act quickly.

His ministry explained that banning long slaughter transports is impossible for a national government under national and EU legal framework.
EU solution necessary
Animal rights activists also view an EU solution as key so as not to create gaps or loopholes in practice.

Still, they welcomed Germany’s push, with the organisation FOUR PAWS calling the step an “important sign towards Europe” and Compassion in World Farming EU Director lga Kikou praising “Germany for being at the forefront of policy efforts to protect animals during transport for some time” in a release.

But according to FOUR PAWS, the ministry did not use its full scope of action within EU law, noting that it may be legally possible to restrict the transport of live animals to third countries on a national basis if this is done “to protect the health and life of humans, animals or plants”.

The measures will likely have very little impact on farm animals at the German level due to them being easily circumvented via EU internal marker rules, added Kikou.

This is not the first time that Germany has pushed ahead on animal welfare issues, first at the national level and then calling on the entire EU to follow suit.

Just a few weeks ago, Germany joined France in calling for an EU-wide end to killing male chickscalling for an EU-wide end to killing male chicks after the two countries banned the practice at the national level.

From the Euractiv website