Document type: article published on The Fish Site
Author: The Fish Site
Preview: After the UK included decapod crustaceans in the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Act 2022, pressure group Crustacean Compassion launched "The Snapshot", the first assessment of welfare standards for crustaceans within the UK food supply chain.
The snapshot: Industry benchmark on decapod crustacean welfare is the first benchmark to objectively assess leading seafood producers, processors, retailers and wholesalers in the UK on their management practices and reporting of welfare standards for decapod crustaceans, such as crabs, lobsters, prawns and nephrops (langoustines).
Commissioned by one of the UK's leading science-based animal welfare organisations, Crustacean Compassion, and facilitated by Chronos Sustainability - the specialists behind the Business Benchmark on Farm Animal Welfare (BBFAW) - the assessment criteria used has been informed by input from industry and other stakeholders as well as a public consultation period.
In recognition of the work already happening within the industry to address decapod crustacean welfare and the relative immaturity of the matter as a business issue, the data findings will be anonymised in The Snapshot's inaugural report. Although company scores will be published in future reports, the first Snapshot report establishes a baseline of current practices against which progress can be measured.
Growing interest in decapod welfare
There is clear and compelling scientific evidence that concludes that decapod crustaceans are sentient animals capable of feeling pain yet despite existing legislation, industry interest and pressure from NGOs, there is currently little to no legal protection from inhumane practices or guidance on humane capture, handling, storage, transport or slaughter available.
Going forward, The Snapshot will be a tool to assist in defining key welfare expectations for food companies and consumers, and to help the industry improve welfare standards. In line with the global movement toward greater transparency in our food systems, The Snapshot will help companies to address the evolving welfare issue and demonstrate how they are doing so to industry and consumers.