Document type: Survey report published on the European Commission website
Authors: Directorate General for Health and Food Safety
Preview: This report describes the outcome of a fact-finding study of Denmark carried out from 11 to 13 September 2023 remotely, 19 to 22 September on-the-spot and the closing meeting carried out remotely on 26 September. The main objective of the fact-finding study was to investigate and collect information on Denmark's provisions to ensure the welfare of farmed fish, and current arrangements on the welfare of aquaculture fish and on any recent developments or plans for the future in this area. Denmark has not issued national fish animal welfare legislation providing more details than the general ones in EU legislation. Due to the generic character of current animal welfare legislation for fish the Danish authorities are not performing official controls on fish welfare at farm nor slaughter but opted to do some spot checks on transport. Currently the Danish authorities and fish aquaculture representatives consider that there is insufficient scientific knowledge available, obtained under Danish conditions, to issue animal welfare legislation for fish.