Animal category: All animals

Routledge Handbook of Animal Welfare

Andrew Knight, Clive Phillips, Paula Sparks

Published in 2022

Book offering a comprehensive review of animal welfare and the law. It explores the biological basis for the consideration of animals within a moral framework and traces changes in how we conceptualize animal welfare. It takes a detailed look at the welfare issues associated with many different uses of animals. It includes recent issues such as climate change, pandemics and antimicrobial resistance.

Document Types: Scientific work

Animal categories:Cattle, Goats, All animals

Keywords:Animal adaptation to environment, Animal-based measurement, Consciousness, Pain, Societal issues, Enrichment, Environment, Euthanasia, Brain integration, Living environment, Human-animal relationships, Stress, Farming systems, Transport

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Animal welfare: Methods to improve policy and practice

Mark Budolfson, Bob Fischer, Noah Scovronick

Published in 2023

Opinion piece arguing that politicians fail to take animal welfare into account in their decision making, despite the ethical and societal importance of animal welfare. It proposes methods to improve policy analysis tools and take better account of animal welfare in public decision-making.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories: All animals

Keywords:Societal issues, One Welfare, Human-animal relationships

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Human-Animal Interactions in Disaster Settings: A Systematic Review

Haorui Wu, Lindsay K. Heyland, Mandy Yung, Maryam Schneider

Published in 2023

Scientific review showing that research on the subject has so far focused more on the benefits of human-animal interactions for the health and welfare of humans than for animals.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories: All animals

Key words:Risk management, One Welfare, Human-animal relationship

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Sénat : réponse écrite à la question n°4787 : Création d'un défenseur des droits des animaux

Sébastien Pla (Aude - SER). Answer: Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty

Published in 2023

Answer to a question on whether the French government intends to follow up on the SPA's proposal to create an animal rights advocate who would act as an independent authority that could be tasked with centralizing, monitoring and increasing actions to guarantee respect for animal welfare.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: All animals

Keywords: Societal issues, Human-animal relationships

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Les animaux, ces inventeurs de génie

Mathilde Tahar

Published in 2023

Article summarizing the scientific evidence to demonstrate the presence of invention and creativity in animals, particularly in play situations. According to the author, play fosters individual adaptability by developing inventive abilities.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories: All animals

Key words:Adaptation of the animal to the environment, Learning, Cognitive process, Human-animal relationships

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La sensibilité animale – Approches juridiques et enjeux transdisciplinaires

Under the direction of Aloïse Quesne

Published in 2023

Book discussing the consequences of the failure to define animal sentience in the French Civil Code, which states only that "animals are living beings endowed with sentience". The book explores the legal consequences of recognising animal sentience, the possibility of differences in sentience between species, and how to improve legal protections for such sentience.

Document Types: Scientific work

Animal categories: All animals

Keywords:Societal issues, One Welfare, Human-animal relationships

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Glucocorticoids in relation to behavior, morphology, and physiology as proxy indicators for the assessment of animal welfare. A systematic mapping review

Inga Tiemann, Lisa B. Fijn, Marc Bagaria, Esther M. A. Langen, F. Josef van der Staa3, Saskia S. Arndt, Cathalijn Leenaars, Vivian C. Goerlich

Published in 2023

A systematic review of the literature to determine whether glucocorticoid levels are a relevant indicator of animal welfare. It found that interventions that supposedly affect glucocorticoid levels do not always do so, and when they do, the changes in level are not always accompanied by changes in the associated welfare endpoints of behavior, morphology and physiology.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories: All animals

Keywords:Animal-based measurements, Welfare indicators, Stress

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Monitoring animal welfare standards

World Organisation for Animal Health

Published in 2023

Presentation of the section of the annual report of the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) dedicated to adoption levels  of its animal welfare standards in its member countries. These standards address the welfare of land and aquatic animals on the farm, during transport, at slaughter, in research and on specific topics such as the management of stray dogs.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories: All animals

Keywords:All subjects

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