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Expertise / Scientific and technical advice

Plan d’action individuel "caudectomie"


Species: Pigs

Full title: Proposed contents for an individual action plan for use on every pig farm to combat the systematic use of tail docking
Requested by:
French Directorate General for Food (DGAL) - Ministry of Agriculture and Food
Date of request: 25/04/2019
Delivery date: 21/08/2019
Deliverables: Working documents - no online official document available


Following the EU DG SANTE’s audit of the pig sector in 2019, the French DGAL established a mixed working group of stakeholders involved in the improvement of living conditions for pigs (practitioners from different parts of the production chain, veterinarians, researchers, etc.). The purpose of this group was to identify levers for action that would make it possible to bring an end to systematic tail docking on French pig farms.

In the context of this working group, the DGAL then approached the FRCAW to draw up a schema containing the information typically necessary for a pig farmer to be able to produce an action plan to bring an end to the systematic practice of tail docking.

In response to this request, the FRCAW created a table listing the factors that influence the emergence of tail biting and the indicators that allow these factors to be monitored, based on freely available information in the existing action plans of other European countries. A comparison of existing action plans in five other countries was also carried out.

Main conclusions of the FRCAW

The working documents produced by the FRCAW for this technical guide are not available online.