Keyword : Adoption

European Parliament: Written answer to Question E-001907/2024: Greece is failing to meet its animal welfare obligations

Question: Matthias Ecke (S&D). Answer: Mrs Kyriakides on behalf of the European Commission

Published in 2024

Answer from the European Commission to a parliamentary question concerning non-commercial pet movements in Greece, which refuses to cooperate with associations for the use of the TRACES system. The Commission points out that such movements, aimed at transferring ownership of animals, are covered by Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/688, which does not require the use of TRACES.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: Canines, Felines

Key words: Adoption,Abandonment, Animal trade, Transport

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Assemblée nationale : réponse écrite à la question n°495 : Maltraitance animale dans les DROM-COM

Question: Mme Maud Petit (Les Démocrates - Val-de-Marne (4th district)). Answer: Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry.

Published in 2024

A Member of Parliament alerts the Minister for Overseas France to the mistreatment of stray animals in the Drom-Com. In response, the government announced the implementation of a plan to improve the management of animal straying, strengthen synergies between local players and support associations. Legislative measures and awareness-raising campaigns are planned to combat animal abandonment and abuse.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: Canines, Felines

Key words:Abandonment, Adoption, Education, Population management, Abuse

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National Assembly: written answer to question n°1076: Management of stray animals in metropolitan and overseas France

Question: Mrs Corinne Vignon (Ensemble pour la République - Haute-Garonne (3rd constituency)). Answer: Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry

Published in 2024

A Member of Parliament alerted the Minister of Agriculture to the delay in publishing the report on stray animals in France, scheduled by law for 2021. In response, the Ministry announced a report in progress and concrete actions, such as a call for projects and 3 million euros in funding for the sterilization of stray cats.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: Felines

Keywords: Adoption,Abandonment, Castration, Population management, Sterilization

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National Assembly: written answer to question n°793: Protection and care of stray cats

Question: Mr Gérard Leseul Seine-Maritime (5th district) - Socialistes et apparentés. Answer: Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry

Published in 2024

Answer from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry to a question from a member of parliament concerning the protection and care of stray cats. Measures such as the creation of an endowment for the care of stray cats in communes or the introduction of an animal referent in police stations were introduced in 2023, but their application is slow in coming.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: Felines

Keywords: Adoption,Abandonment, Castration, Population management, Sterilization

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National Assembly: written answer to question n°1282: Animal torture on the islands of Reunion and Mayotte

Question: Mme Béatrice Roullaud Seine-et-Marne (6th district) - Rassemblement National. Answer: Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry

Published in 2024

Answer from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry to a question from a Member of Parliament concerning the measures the Government intends to take against acts of animal torture committed on the islands of Reunion and Mayotte

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: Canines, Felines

Key words:Abandonment, Adoption, Education, Population management, Abuse

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The Welfare of Dogs and Cats in the European Union: A Gap Analysis of the Current Legal Framework

Contalbrigo, L.; Normando, S.; Bassan, E.; Mutinelli, F.

Published in 2024

Analytical article raising the issue of pet welfare not covered by European legislation, such as ethical breeding, sales, transport and end-of-life care. It concludes that a transdisciplinary approach and better education in responsible pet ownership are essential to improve pet protection via a harmonized legal framework.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: Canines, Felines

Keywords:Abandonment, Adoption, Castration, Euthanasia, End of life, Abuse, Living environment, One Welfare, Spaying, Aging, Animal trade

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European Parliament: Written answer to Question P-001523/2024: Respect for EU animal welfare standards, with reference to the excessive euthanasia of stray animals in Romania

Question: Nicolae Ştefănuță (Greens/EFA). Answer: Mrs Kyriakides on behalf of the European Commission

Published in 2024

An MEP raises the issue of the mass slaughter of stray animals in Romania in relation to EU animal welfare standards. The European Commission points out that there are no specific European regulations on the euthanasia of dogs and cats, leaving this issue to the Member States. A proposal for a regulation on the welfare of dogs and cats, currently passing through the legislative process, addresses certain aspects of euthanasia.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: Canines, Felines

Keywords: Adoption, Euthanasia,Abandonment, Population management

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Modalités d’attribution et de mobilisation de la dotation budgétaire de trois millions d’euros dédiée à la stérilisation des chats errants par les collectivités territoriales et inscrite dans la loi de finances pour l’année 2024

Direction Générale de l'Alimentation (DGAL) and Sous-direction de la santé et du bien-être animal Bureau du bien-être animal (SDSBEA) of the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food.

Published in 2024

Technical instruction detailing the terms and conditions for the allocation of a three million-euro grant for the sterilization of stray and domestic cats by local authorities, in accordance with the 2024 Finance Act.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: Felines

Keywords: Adoption,Abandonment, Castration, Population management, Sterilization

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Effects of single- or pair-housing on the welfare of shelter dogs: Behavioral and physiological indicators

Hecker G, Martineau K, Scheskie M, Hammerslough R, Feuerbacher EN

Published in 2024

Scientific article reporting that dogs housed in pairs in shelters, even for a short time, exhibit fewer stress-related behaviors (lip licking, whining, and ears back) than dogs housed individually. In addition, the urinary cortisol:creatinine levels in non-isolated dogs were lower.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories:Canine

Keywords: Adoption, Animal-based measurement,Abandonment, Behavioral disorders, Housing, Socialization, Stress, Welfare indicators

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Reptile expos: an analysis and recommendations for control

Clifford Warwick, Catrina Steedman, Mike Jessop, Rachel Grant

Published in 2024

Analysis of a survey of those involved in the trading or exhibition of reptiles in Europe and the United States. At least 10 animal welfare issues and 5 public health and safety issues identified in the survey lead its authors to conclude that the lack of monitoring and control at reptile shows, combined with their frequency, necessitate a ban on these events.

Document Types: Scientific review

Pet categories:NAC, Reptiles

Keywords:Abandonment, Adoption, Animal trade, Education, Ill-treatment, Pathogen transfer

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