Keyword : Adoption

Comment un maire peut-il porter une politique publique en faveur du bien-être animal en ville ? 

Rémi Stoltz

Published in 2019

Master's thesis concluding that the growing societal demand for greater attention to animal welfare has become a political issue. The issue of animal welfare in the city must take into account the specific features of each urban area, while the role of local government and the way in which public policy on animal welfare is implemented is not insignificant. The dissertation proposes concrete actions to implement a public policy in favor of animal welfare tailored to the city of Lyon.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories: Canines, Felines, Exotic pets

Keywords:Abandonment, Adaptation of the environment to the animal, Adoption, Societal issues, Population management, Living environment, One Welfare, Human-animal relationships, Resilience

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Assemblée nationale : réponse écrite à la question n° 5241 : Chats errants

Question: Ian Boucard (Les Républicains - Territoire de Belfort). Answer: French Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty

Published in 2023

Answer to a question concerning the delay in implementing the measures provided for by the French law passed in November 30, 2021 on the management of stray cats, in particular the failure to publish reports on the costed assessment of need or the estimated cost of capture and sterilization, to formulate recommendations, or to implement the trial provided for in Article 12 of the law.

Document Types: Technical work

Animal categories: Felines

Keywords: Adoption,Abandonment, Castration, One Welfare, Identification, Mistreatment, Risk management, Population management, Societal issues, Sterilization

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Assessing welfare risks in unowned unsocialised domestic cats in Denmark based on associations with low body condition score

Søren Saxmose Nielsen, Ida Sofie Thuesen, Helena Mejer, Jørgen Steen Agerholm, Stine Thorsø Nielsen, Pikka Jokelainen, Stig Milan Thamsborg, Peter Sandøe

Published in 2023

Scientific paper showing that there is a co-occurrence of a low body condition score (BCS) and health factors in unsocialized, ownerless domestic cats in Denmark. These factors include the presence of skin and ear ectoparasites, gastrointestinal disorders, dental lesions, and a positive FIV test. The authors conclude that a low CCN may indicate more than the stage of emaciation,also indicating less visible welfare impairments.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories: Felines

Keywords:Abandonment, Animal adaptation to the environment, Adoption, Societal issues, Population management

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