Keyword : Pain

European Parliament: Written answer to Question E-002402/24: New evidence of breaches of EU law during transport of Irish calves

Question: Anja Hazekamp (The Left). Answer: Mr Várhelyi on behalf of the European Commission

Published in 2025

A member of the European Parliament has reported serious breaches of the rules governing the transport of unweaned calves from Ireland to Europe, including falsified documents and unsuitable conditions. The Commission, concerned by these practices, is following up the case, and the Irish authorities have launched an investigation into the assembly center involved.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: Bovines

Key words:Animal trade, Pain, Euthanasia, Ill-treatment, Transport

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European Parliament: Written answer to Question E-002112/24: Serious concerns regarding animal cruelty during animal transport in Austria

Question: Anja Hazekamp (The Left). Answer: Mr Varhelyi on behalf of the European Commission

Published in 2025

An MEP sheds light on two recent cases of animal cruelty during transport in Austria. The Commission points out that Member States must apply EU rules, and that new, stricter rules governing exports are currently under discussion.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: Bovines

Keywords:Animal trade, Pain, Education, Ill-treatment, Mutilation, Transport

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Behavioral patterns leading to caudophagy

G. Gambarini

Published in 2025

Article on the behavioral variations that characterize tail-biting episodes in pigs.  Two-stage, sudden-violent, and obsessive patterns of behavior each require specific interventions. Early detection, environmental enrichment and reduced competition for resources are essential factors in preventing and managing this behavior.

Document types: Technical Paper

Animal categories: Porcines

Key words:Pain, Enrichment, Risk management, Housing, Behavioral disorders

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Q2E on nutrition and tail biting - EURCAW-Pigs


Published in 2025

Answer to a question put to EURCAW-Pigs concerning the relationship between nutrition and tail biting in pigs. The European Reference Centre considers that access to sufficient water and feed (rich in fiber) is essential to prevent this behavior.

Document types: Technical Paper

Animal categories: Porcines

Key words:Pain, Enrichment, Risk management, Housing, Behavioral disorders

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Comparison between AI and human expert performance in acute pain assessment in sheep

Marcelo Feighelstein, Stelio P. Luna, Nuno O. Silva, Pedro E. Trindade, Ilan Shimshoni, Dirk van der Linden & Anna Zamansky

Published in 2025

Study exploring the potential of AI to detect pain in clinical practice using sheep as a case study. CLIP encoder-based AI outperformed sheep facial expression assessment by human experts in pain recognition and equalled standard composite behavioral assessment.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories: Ovines

Keywords:Animal-based measurement, Pain, precision farming

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Apis mellifera welfare: definition and future directions

Formato Giovanni, Giannottu Elena, Roncoroni Cristina, Lorenzi Valentina, Brajon Giovanni

Published in 2024

Synthesis describing the essential role played the Apis mellifera bee in pollination and biodiversity and as a biomarker for environmental quality. Although they are often overlooked in terms of welfare, honey bees could be included in the five-domain model, which would recognize their capacity for emotional and the importance of defining and promoting practices to improve their welfare.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories:invertebrates, Insects

Keywords:Animal adaptation to the environment, Biodiversity, Consciousness, Pain, Education, Environment, Welfare indicators, Memory

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Putative Nociceptive Responses in a Decapod Crustacean: The Shore Crab (Carcinus maenas)

Kasiouras, E.; Hubbard, P.C.; Gräns, A.; Sneddon, L.U.

Published in 2024

Study of nociceptors in Shore Crabs using electrophysiological recordings. The results provide evidence of distinct responses to mechanical and chemical stimuli, confirming the presence of nociceptors in the areas tested.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories:Arthropods

Key words:Pain, Brain integration

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Impact of slaughter method on stress in organic common carp (Cyprinus carpio)

Łosiewicz B, Szudrowicz H.

Published in 2024

Study evaluating the impact of slaughter methods on carp stress, measured via biochemical blood parameters. The method recommended to reduce stress is percussion followed by destruction of the brain.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories: Fish

Keywords:Animal-based measurement, Consciousness, Pain, Euthanasia, Stress

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European Parliament: written answer to Question E-001843/2024: Banning chick culling in the EU

Question: Pascal Arimont (PPE). Answer: Mrs Kyriakides on behalf of the European Commission

Published in 2024

Question from an MEP to the European Commission on the culling of day-old male chicks in some Member States, despite the existence of in-ovo sexing technologies and answer from the Commission stating that it is examining this issue on the basis of EFSA Opinions and impact studies, with a view to including a harmonized ban in forthcoming legislation on animal welfare.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: Poultry

Key words:Pain, Euthanasia, Abuse, Prenatal

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Assemblée nationale : réponse écrite à la question n°1069 : Transition hors-cage des élevages avicoles

Question: Mme Béatrice Roullaud Seine-et-Marne (6th district) - Rassemblement National. Answer: Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry

Published in 2024

Answer from the French Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry to a question from a Member of Parliament concerning the now pressing implementation of the transition to cage-free poultry farming.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: Poultry

Key words:Adaptation of the environment to the animal, Livestock building, Pain, Housing, Living environment, Stress, livestock farming system

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