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Transport, Slaughter, Pick-up

Abattage de veaux : longtemps le même scénario ?

By March 18, 2020April 28th, 2020No Comments

Document type : article from the Sesame website

Preview: Once again, unbearable images from a video shot by L214 and broadcast on February 20th have exposed the ordeal suffered by calves in a Dordogne slaughterhouse. A series of much-discussed measures followed: an investigation by the Ministry of Agriculture which reported failings and training problems (major breaches with regard to animal handling, killing techniques, stunning, etc.); the closure of the slaughterhouse on 28 February 2019 [sic]; the partial resumption of its activities 4 days later...

Without engaging directly in this controversy (especially since the slaughterhouse is owned by a Dutch group), and at a time when consumers are increasingly distrustful of institutions and the food production sector, Sesame (Agrobiosciences-INRAE's magazine) asked Jean-Luc Angot, head of the French corps of veterinary health inspectors and Chair of the French abattoir ethics committee (CNEAb), whether this scenario would continue to be repeated long into the future. His answer was frank.

From the Sesame website