Document type: Executive summary of the RISE report (Research institutes of Sweden)
Authors: Cecilia Lindahl, Erik Sindhöj, Linnea Bark
Preview: Carbon dioxide is currently one of the more common methods for stunning of pigs at slaughter in Europe, however electrical stunning is also widely used. High CO2 concentrations are known to cause pain and distress due to respiratory irritation of mucous membranes and invoke behavioural responses that indicate hyperventilation and excitation (EFSA, 2004). For these reasons, EFSA (2004) concluded that CO2 stunning is not optimal from an animal welfare perspective and that further research is needed to find non-aversive gas mixture alternatives. [...] The aim of this literature review was to prioritize research avenues for development of acceptable alternatives methods to CO2 stunning by assessing the current scientific research status of potential alternatives and identifying specific R&D needs.
Related article: Scientists list priority research to replace high-concentration CO2 stunning of pigs