Document type : article from the OABA website
Preview: For consumers who choose to eat less but better quality meat, it is not always easy to find your way around.
Of the existing SIQO labels in France (Signes Officiels de Qualité et d'Origine des produits alimentaires), the two best known are the "Agriculture Biologique" (AB) label and the Label Rouge (red label).
In addition to these, more recent organic labels have appeared, giving greater priority to particular criteria such as the prohibition of the mutilation of pigs or slatted floors, but also the requirement for stunning. Examples include Bio Cohérence, Demeter and Nature et Progrès. They are mainly available in organic shops.
However, the time had long since come for more comprehensive labelling to be introduced, ensuring that farming, transport and slaughter methods are as animal welfare-friendly as possible.
For example, the OABA was involved in the creation of the French "animal welfare label". This allows a grading system, from A to E, informing the consumer of the quality of an animal's life from birth to slaughter. The rating is based on 230 criteria, validated by experts in animal welfare, including our contributor Dr. Michel Courat, a veterinarian.