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Arrêt de la castration à vif : les éleveurs bretons veulent construire une « filière responsable »

By December 18th, 2020January 12th, 2021No Comments

Document type : article published in Réussir Porc

Preview: In a press release dated 18 December, the Breton comité régional porcin (CRP), the professional organisation that represents the upstream pig production sector in Brittany, pledged to "support" the decision to end castration without anaesthesia "at the highest level of the State, intended to improve animal welfare". However, unlike the downstream end of the production chain, which is declaring its willingness to maintain the castration of piglets under anaesthesia, the CRP wants the production of whole male pigs to become the norm, and for the act of castration to "be included in the derogation". The organisation wants to take action in three areas, in consultation with the other CRPs in the Grand Ouest:

-Persuade the State to create a regulatory framework for the conditions in which castration under anaesthesia occurs in exempt cases: "This framework will be subject to the signing of professional agreements between veterinarians, farmers and slaughterers".

 -Define marketing rules: a basic price applied to products from whole male pigs, monitoring of carcasses carried out under the regulatory duties of Uniporc Ouest, uniformity of carcass classification and the establishment of shared norms. "To achieve this, the current payment scale for growing-finishing pigs will have to change.

-Upgrade and promote of French Pork "for which the specifications will have to take  regulatory changes into account".

Articles on the same topic published in :

- Libération, December 22, 2020: Castration des porcelets : les lobbys à la manœuvre

- Réussir Porc, December 14, 2020 : Les industriels de la viande poussent au maintien de la castration des porcs mâles 

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