Document type : Article published on the Agriland website (Ireland)
Author: Charles O'Donnell
Preview: The Irish Cattle and Sheep Farmers' Association (ICSA) is calling for the requirement for the tagging of newborn lambs to be dropped, arguing that it is "an animal welfare issue". Sean McNamara, the association's sheep chair, said today (Thursday, February 25) that the requirement for tagging newborn lambs sold through marts "is unwarranted and must be abolished". "There is no logic to this requirement," McNamara argued. It causes enormous stress to the lambs themselves, and it does nothing to enhance traceability. He called for an exemption to this requirement for lambs aged six weeks and under [...] "Lambs at this age are still with the breeding ewe, and as such, the ewe tag should suffice for her offspring for this six-week period," the ICSA sheep chair said.