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Animal husbandry and human-animal relationships

Saumon écossais : malformations, infestations parasitaires et taux de mortalité élevés, les profondeurs obscures de l’une des plus grandes industries piscicoles du monde

By March 23rd, 2021April 6th, 2021No Comments

Document type : Press release from CIWF France

Author : Laetitia Dinauld

Preview: A new inquiry into the Scottish salmon industry reveals chronic suffering, breaches of animal welfare legislation, shocking mortality rates and alarming threats to the environment. The inquiry and its report "Cages sous-marines, parasites et poissons morts : pourquoi un moratoire sur la salmoniculture est impératif " jointly published today by CIWF and a global network of NGOs in over 30 countries, exposes the grim reality of Scotland's famous salmon farms.

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From the CIWF France website