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Cognition-Emotions Working animals

Comment le cheval apprend-il ?

By April 15, 2021June 1st, 2021No Comments

15/04/2021 : Comment le cheval apprend-il ?

Document type : Practical guide published by theIFCE

Authors: IFCE, Léa Lansade, Olivier Puls

Preview: This practical guide provides the keys to improving your relationship with horses.

How does your horse learn? You can train him well using education theory .

Are you a rider or driver, professional or amateur, who works with horses? Whatever your work with horses involves, you will discover here how to optimize your horse's education and work. 

The four chapters of this book, based on recent research in ethology, address the main types of animal learning in an accessible and practical way. The different approaches are defined and then analysed, supported by examples and case studies. Habituation, sensitisation, operant and Pavlovian conditioning are thus unpacked in a way that they can then be applied in everyday situations.

Step-by-step guidance for each activity and trouble-shooting advice will provide you with real-life working routes to an improved relationship with horses.

Abundantly illustrated with colour photos and drawings, this new edition, which includes a new chapter containing detailed exercises, is an indispensable tool for anyone wishing to put theories on learning in horses into practice. 

From the IFCE website