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Animal welfare initiatives

Contre-projet – Le Conseil fédéral veut protéger tous les animaux

By May 19th 2021May 31st, 2021No Comments

Document type : Article published in La Tribune de Genève

Author: ATS

Preview: The "No to intensive livestock farming" initiative is limited to the protection of animals kept for agricultural purposes. With its direct counter-proposal, the government also wants to take other categories of animals into account.

Animal welfare should be enshrined in the constitution and extended to all animals. On Wednesday, the Federal Council submitted a direct counter-proposal to the "No to intensive livestock farming" initiative to parliament, incorporating the core elements of the original text.

The government supports the proposal's main goal. With its direct counter-proposal, the general principle of animal welfare will be enshrined in the Constitution and will concern all animals. It thus goes beyond what is called for by the initiative, which refers exclusively to animals kept for agricultural purposes. […]

With its direct counter-proposal, the Federal Council proposes to enshrine criteria such as humane housing, regular periods in the open air and humane conditions at slaughter in the constitution. The minimum requirements in these three areas will be made more stringent for all livestock.

Pigs must be provided with rest areas containing bedding. All livestock should either be housing permitting free circulation or ge allowed daily access to the open air. Pain, suffering and anxiety during slaughter shall be avoided by all possible and reasonable means.

Article on the same topic published in AgriHebdo on 19 May 2021 : L’USP [Union Suisse des Paysans] regrette la décision du Conseil fédéral

From the Tribune de Genève website