Document type: Video from La France Agricole (21 min 44)
Authors: Patrick Chevillon, Vincent Guillot, Jan Peter Van Ferneij, Eric Young
Preview : In France, the castration of piglets without anesthaesia has been forbidden since January 1st 2022. Some see this as a major step forward for animal welfare in livestock farming. The pig industry has had to adapt and develop new practices. With Patrick Chevillon, head of the Meat Quality and Slaughter-Cutting Technology Project at Ifip, and Vincent Guyot, head of the livestock farming department at La France Agricole, we provide answers for the following questions: What are the alternatives to the live castration of piglets? How can they be implemented? What are the additional costs generated by these methods? How can we sell meat from uncastrated males? With expert input from Jan Peter Van Ferneij, an economist at Ifip, Eric Young takes us on a tour of Europe to find out more.