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Animal welfare initiatives

Bilan d’activité de l’IFIP 2021

By June 15, 2022July 25th, 2022No Comments

Document type: activity report from Ifip 2021

Author : Ifip

Preview: Agricultural and Agro-Industrial Technical Institutes are key players in the ecosystem of technological research and innovation in agriculture and agri-food. They play a major role in providing operational solutions for farmers, industries and companies to improve their competitiveness and ensure agricultural and food sovereignty.
Despite a very uncertain global situation, 2021 was a productive year, with numerous web and print articles, thematic webinars allowing the results of our work to be disseminated to a wider audience, and many educational videos on Youtube. News of our work was widely relayed on LinkedIn to more than 7,000 subscribers including 3,000 direct followers of the Ifip account, and on our website, which saw more than 500,000 visits. More than 8,000 hours of classroom training were delivered and our digital training courses have met with growing success with nearly 4,000 learners having accessed our e-learning platform to date.
This annual activity report allows readers to judge the extent, albeit necessarily in a partial way, of the contributions we have made to knowledge sharing.
Projects dealing with animal welfare:
– Quelles attitudes des consommateurs de charcuteries face aux allégations sur le bien-être animal ? (page 30)
– RMT One Welfare (page 31)
– Guides de bonnes pratiques européens du transport des porcins : évolutions de la législation bien être (page 37)
– Développement de la production porcine biologique (page 41)
– Bâtiments d’élevage de demain pour l’Occitanie (page 64)
– Élevage porcin pilote : pratiques alternatives orientées bien-être (page 81)
– NOCAST : résoudre le compromis entre bien-être, reproduction et qualité de la viande (page 99)

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