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Maltraitance animale : nouveaux moyens d’action pour les vétérinaires

By June 29, 2022July 25th, 2022No Comments

Document type : article published in the Dépêche Vétérinaire n°1626

Author : Maud Lafon

Preview: The connection between the abuse of animals and humans is a demonstrated fact, and how a veterinarian reacts to supected abuse in the course of his or her activities is therefore no small issue. Although abuse became a diagnostic possibility for veterinarians in the 2000s, the new law against animal abuse gives them more ways to take action.

French Law n° 2021-1539 has changed the situation for veterinarians in terms of their possible responses to suspected animal abuse. Against the background of this new legislative framework, Prévention médicale, an association that works to promote the anticipation of medical and paramedical risks, invited our colleagues Michel Baussier, former President of the Conseil national de l'Ordre des vétérinaires, and Anne-Claire Gagnon, President of the Association contre les maltraitances animales et humaines (Amah), to participate in awebinar on 1 June, in the course of which they explained what to do in this situation.

Michel Baussier reminded participants that animal welfare, which is the objective, is dependent on the good treatment (in terms of resources) brought to bear by humans towards the animal.

"Veterinarians must learn to know and detect situations of mistreatment of pets, especially since these are often linked to human abuse," he said. This co-occurrence is proven in 10% of cases according to the literature. [...]

Fact gathering
With respect to law enforcement, the veterinarian is there to collect factual and biological information that can be used to investigate a complaint," added Anne-Claire Gagnon. She expressed her regret at the lack of veterinary training in forensic medicine and indicated that a module on this topic was being set up at VetAgro Sup.

Amah has produced a guide for the identification of animal abuse based on UK data (available on the www.amah-asso.orgwebsite, see DV n° 1589). [...] The guide helps veterinarians to report cases to the public prosecutor or, in cases of suspected serious abuse (serious abuse, sexual abuse, abuse, cruelty) to the DDPP*, such reporting being a new possibility, having been introduced by French Law n° 2021-1539. 

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