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Animal health

L’effet du stress thermique sur les animaux

By July 19, 2022September 1st, 2022No Comments

Document type : dossier from the Rendez-vous animal welfare series produced by the VetAgroSup  Chaire Bien-Être Animal 

Author: Marion Weisslinger

Preview: Below, you will find some articles on the effects of heat and heat stress on animals (the list is not comprehensive).

Articles from online news sources
Coup de chaleur : une urgence vétérinaire
This article describes the nature of heatstroke for dogs and cats, its clinical signs and what to do about it.
Reference: SantéVet. Coup de chaleur : une urgence vétérinaire [online]. June 25, 2019, [25/06/2019]. Link to article

- Le coup de chaleur chez un cheval
This article sets out what heat stroke in a horse is, the external factors that can cause it, listing clinical signs, treatments and preventive measures.
Reference : FERRY B. Le coup de chaleur [online]. IFCE, Equipedia, 1 June 2018, [25/06/2019] Link to article

Scientific articles
Impact of Climate change on animal health and welfare.
This article gives an overview of many studies that describe the negative effects of climate change, and in particular of rising temperatures, on animal health and welfare.
Reference: LACETERA N. Impact of Climate change on animal health and welfare. Animal Frontiers: 2019, 9 (1), 26-31. Link to article

- Livestock Heat Stress: Recognition, Response and Prevention.
This article gives an overview of heat-neutral zones, thermoregulatory mechanisms, clinical signs of heat stress and heat-control measures for all livestock species.
Reference: KERR S. Livestock Heat Stress: Recognition, Response and Prevention. [Online]. Washington State University Extension: 2015 [25/06/2019] Link to article

 Ingestion et digestion chez les ruminants soumis à un stress de chaleur.
This article discusses the impact that heat stress can have on feed uptake in cattle. The authors recommend reduction of solar radiation (by keeping animals under shelter or in the shade), encouraging water uptake by the animals, and altering the balance of  their feed.
Reference: MORAND-FEHR P., DOREAU M. Ingestion et digestion chez les ruminants soumis à un stress de chaleur. INRA Productions Animales: 2001, 14 (1), 15-27. Link to article

- Maîtriser le stress thermique chez la vache laitière.
This article shows the consequences of heat stress on the behavior, feeding, fertility and production of dairy cows and provides a summary of control methods to minimize the impact of heat stress on dairy herds.
Reference: BONNEFOY J-M., NOORDHUIZEN J. Maîtriser le stress thermique chez la vache laitière. GTV Bulletin: 2011, 60, 77-86. Link to article

- Heat stress in Dairy Calves.
This article describes the impact of high temperatures on calves and strategies to protect calves from heat.
Reference: JONES C., HEINRICHS J. Heat stress in Dairy Calves. [Online]. Penn State Publication: 14 June 2013 [25/06/2019]. Link to article

- Effects of heat stress on dairy cattle welfare.
This article focuses on the negative effects of heat stress on the physiology and health of dairy cows, but also describes the negative emotional states induced in cows by heat stress (frustration, aggressiveness, discomfort).
Reference: POLSKY L., VON KEYSERLINGK M.A.G. Invited review: Effects of heat stress on dairy cattle welfare. Journal of Dairy Science: 2017, 100 (11), 8645-8657. Link to article

Effet de l’exposition au chaud sur les caractéristiques de la prise alimentaire du porc à différents stades physiologiques.
This article deals with the negative effects of an increase in temperature on the feed intake of pigs.
Reference: QUINIOU N., RENAUDEAU, COLLIN A., NOBLET J. Effet de l’exposition au chaud sur les caractéristiques de la prise alimentaire du porc à différents stades physiologiques. INRA Productions animales: 2000, 13 (4), 233-245. Link to article

Impact of Heat Stress on Poultry Production.
This article describes the physiological and behavioral effects of heat stress on poultry, as well as its impact on egg production and the cleanliness of eggs and poultry meat.
Reference: LARA L.J., ROSTAGNO M.H. Impact of Heat Stress on Poultry Production. Animals: 2013, 3 (2), 356-369. Link to article

Animal Welfare Chair
From the website of VetAgroSup's Chaire bien-être animal