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Améliorer le bien-être des animaux d’élevages intensifs, est-ce vraiment possible ?

By September 7th 2022September 20th, 2022No Comments

Document type : podcast of the show La Terre au carré (54 min)

Authors : Mathieu Vidard, Camille Crosnier. Guests : Valérie Fillon, Christine Leterrier, Odile Petit

Presentation : In recent years, increased knowledge of the cognitive and emotional capacities of animals has led to real progress in the understanding of animal welfare.
When the psychological sensitivities of animals are taken into account, this encourages changes in farming practices. Can we seriously talk about holistic animal welfare in intensive farming? The answer is no, say a group of researchers, it is not possible to consider improving animal welfare in intensive and industrial systems.
Alternative methods of farming should therefore be considered and explored in order to respect animal welfare and hence the natural expression of an animal's behavior.

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