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Elevages de PORCS et VOLAILLES : formez-vous au bien-être animal

By September 9th, 2022December 13th, 2022No Comments

Document type : training announcement from the Chamber of Agriculture of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

Author : Chamber of Agriculture of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

Presentation : In recent years, public expectations about farming conditions for animals have been strong.  Consumers are increasingly concerned over the quality of life of farm animals. Since January 2022, farmers have been obliged to designate an on-farm animal welfare advisor.
Duration: 1 day

Purpose of the training
- Define animal welfare
- Be aware of the needs of animals
- Understand societal changes
- Put in place on-farm tools that respect animal welfare
- Communicate our professional work

What the training provides 
- Definition of animal welfare
- Information on the needs of different species
- Information on public perceptions
- Information on some regulation issues

Delivery methods
- Share experiences
- Offer information on the science 
- Brainstorming

Who the training is for:  all farmers in the Nièvre region, except those already in possession of one of the following diplomas (must have qualifed within the pas 7 years):
- Diplôme d'Etat de docteur vétérinaire (State Diploma of Veterinary Medicine)
- BTS Production Animale (Advanced Technician's Certificate in Animal Production)
- BTS Analyse, conduite et stratégie de l'entreprise agricole (Advanced Technician's Certificate in Agricultural Business Analysis, Management and Strategy)
- Bac Pro conduite et gestion de l'entreprise agricole (Professional Diploma in Agricultural Business Conduct and Management)
- Brevet pro responsable d'entreprise agricole (Professional Diploma in Farm  Management)
- Certificat de spécialisation conduite d'un élevage porc (Certificate of Specialization in Pig Farm Management)

Requirements: none

Evaluation method: Written self-evaluation questionnaire to be completed at the end of the course

Logo of the Chamber of Agriculture of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
From the website of the Chamber of Agriculture of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté