Document type : article published in Réussir Bovins viande
Author : S Bourgeois
Preview: This year, eleven new initiatives have been awarded a Sommet d'Or during the Sommet de l'Elevage. You can find the list of winners here, along with their presentation videos.
With 73 entries, the 'Golden Summit' awards reveal a wealth of innovations by the companies who are exhibiting at the Sommet de l'Elevage. Guided by René Autelet, the expert jury (veterinarians, engineers, nutritionists and farmers) selected eleven innovations that bring "something extra to the farmer". [...]
Biopic : Un implant sous-cutané pour le monitoring des vaches
The Anipile is a permanent implant inserted under the animal's skin. It alerts the farmer to changes in the animal relating to reproduction, calving and animal welfare. The information is transmitted to the farmer's smartphone. Since 2011, more than 600 implants have been tested on cattle and horses.
Presentation video [...]
Sica SA Alicoop: un aliment divertissant pour les porcs
Fibra'Pig is a 38 mm feed pellet made up of edible fibres designed to improve the welfare of pigs. Its purpose is to prevent tail biting. It can be manipulated by the animal in a bucket, and the pellets are either scattered on the ground or can be inserted in the Fibra'Ball, making sure that there is no resultant wastage.
Presentation video