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Housing and Enrichment

Bien choisir ses enrichissements pour le poulet à croissance rapide : les perchoirs

By October 7th, 2022November 15th, 2022No Comments

Document type: leaflet published byITAVI

Author: M. Stomp, E. Guérin, L. Messager, L. Warin, I. Bouvarel

Preview: The Cocorico project sets out to co-construct a new chicken-farming system that reconciles costs and societal expectations. It has involved the monitoring of farms that raise fast-growing chickens, making it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of a number of different enrichments in stimulating the chickens' natural behaviours and satisfying their needs from a welfare perspective. Meanwhile, farmers were interviewed in order to understand other aspects of the use of such enrichments (work satisfaction, physical burden, cost, cleaning/disinfecting).The findings were combined to produce an overall score for each type of enrichment tested. The results are intended to provide better guidance for farmers in the choices they make. 

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