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Animal welfare initiatives

Création par Gérald Darmanin d’une division d’enquêteurs spécialisés chargée de la maltraitance animale

By October 28, 2022November 9th, 2022No Comments

Document type: Press release from the French Ministry of the Interior and Overseas Territories

Author: French Ministry of the Interior and Overseas Territories 

Preview: Between 2016 and 2021, the number of offences committed against pets increased by 30%, with 12,000 recorded incidents involving ill-treatment, serious abuse and acts of cruelty in particular. Rural areas are those most affected.
To combat this growing problem, Gérald DARMANIN, the French Minister of the Interior and Overseas territories, has taken the decision, for the first time in the history of French law enforcement, to create a division of investigators dedicated to animal abuse. Composed of 15 specialized police officers and gendarmes, this team will be attached to the Central Office for environmental and public health violations.

Press release having given rise to articles in:
- FranceTVInfo on October 28, 2022 : Le président de la SPA se dit «·extrêmement satisfait·» de la création d’une division spéciale contre la maltraitance animale
- Le Journal du Dimanche on October 28, 2022 : Maltraitance animale : quel rôle pour la nouvelle brigade d’enquête ?
- Franceinfo on October 28, 2022 :Maltraitance animale : Gérald Darmanin annonce la création d’une division d’enquêteurs spécialisés
- Le Parisien October 28, 2022: Face à l’explosion de la maltraitance animale, une brigade spécialisée va voir le jour
- Le Dauphiné libéré October 28, 2022:Société. Maltraitance animale en hausse: une brigade spécialisée créée

Logo of the French Ministry of the Interior and Overseas Territories
From the website of the French Ministry of the Interior and Overseas Territories