Document type : article published on the France Info website
Author: France Télévisions
Preview: On a visit to an animal protection organisation, the French Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, announced that they are to be asked to "deal with reports of abuse and investigate such uother small companion animalsceptable acts of violence".
He wants to strengthen the resources available in the fight against animal abuse . On Friday January 27, the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, announced the creation of 4,000 advisers to be based in police stations and gendarmeries to "receive reports of abuse and investigate such uother small companion animalsceptable acts of violence". They will receive "specific training" and will "liaise with State veterinary services and animal protection associations", he said, during a visit to the Chamarande (Essonne) animal protection association. On Twitter, the Minister also reminded the public that acts of cruelty against animals are punishable by a sentence of 5 years imprisonment and a fine of 75,000 euros.
The Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin also pointed out the recent creation of a new service of 15 police investigators and gendarmes specializing in the fight against animal abuse and attached to the French central office for environmental and public health violations.
Acts of cruelty towards domestic animals - ill treatment, serious abuse, actions that unintentionally threaten the life and health of the animal, abandonment, etc. - have increased by 30% between 2016 and 2021, according to a study by the Ministry of the Interior. The animals who most suffer from such abuse are dogs (46%) and cats (24%), while 73% of those who perpetrate these acts are men, mostly aged between 30 and 44.