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Animal husbandry and Human-animal relationships

Pratique d’élevage : les lactations longues chez la chèvre

ByApril 18, 2023May 10th, 2023No Comments

Document type: dossier in the #RendezVousanimal welfare series from the Animal Welfare Chair of VetAgroSup

Author: Marion Weisslinger

Summary: While reducing birth numbers  is generally neither the only nor the main goal for most goat farms, increasing the lactation period offers an interesting way to reduce the number of kids born while maintaining year-round milk, and therefore cheese, production. However, the French public's liking for goat cheese does not extend to kid meat, most of which  is exported. The number of outlets for kid meat is shrinking due to increasing competition from other producer countries and a growing distaste for this meat among consumers. While there is certainly work to be done on (re)valorizing this meat, reducing the number of births could also serve as a lever to mitigate this crisis, which has now afflicted the sector for several years.
Long lactation periods for goats can also be used for other reasons, such as the management of goat reproduction, the continuation of milk production throughout the year, the organization of farmers' work, etc.
The Animal Welfare Chair has invited two farms that make use of long lactation periods in parts of their herds to contribute to the dossier. The farmers explain what they do, describe what they observe on the ground, and show how this approach can be seen as a farming option. A chance to find out about Interesting practices, with implications for animal health and welfare.

Animal Welfare Chair
From the website of the VetAgro Sup Chaire bien-être animal