Document type: article from Web-agri
Author: Alice Peucelle
Preview: Initially scheduled for autumn 2023, the revision of European regulations on animal welfare is no longer on the Commission's calendar.
On October 17, the European Commission presented its work program for 2024. A major absence is the body of draft legislation on animal welfare. This omission from the calendar seems to indicate that animal welfare issues will not be debated in Brussels before the next European elections, in spring 2024.
Transport bill in December
The only survivor is the bill on animal transport. Maros Sefcovic, Vice-President of the European Commission, announced earlier this month that a draft would be presented on or around December 6, 2023. Three other legislative areas have thus been shelved: the introduction of a European assessment of animal welfare, the creation of a specific label on food products, and the restriction of the use of cages in livestock farming. The Vice-President of the Commission did nevertheless explain that "work is in progress on these three other issues".
The recommendation concerning the end of cage farming is one of those most concerning to livestock farmers. It was responded to the "End the Cage Age" citizens' initiative, which had collected more than 1.4 million signatures before being presented to Brussels.
Strong societal pressure
And although the Commission has temporarily put its legislation on farming conditions on hold, it has at the same time published a Eurobarometer survey assessing Europeans' relationship with animal welfare issues. According to the survey, published on October 19, "84% of Europeans believe that the welfare of farm animals should be better protected than it is now". This proves that societal pressure remains strong on these issues.
The absence of this topic from the Commission's agenda has provoked a strong reaction from animal protection associations. On October 17, the day the work program was presented, dozens of activists for the Brigitte Bardot Foundation assembled in front of the European Parliament.