Document type technical instruction DGAL/SDSBEA/2024-14 published in the Bulletin Officiel of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty
Author: Animal Identification and Movement Control Office
Preview: The purpose of this instruction is to set out the details concerning the implementation of Regulation 2016/429 (LSA) on the movement of live aquatic animals between Member States.
Contents: Introduction
I. Definitions and clarifications
A. Aquaculture operators and establishments
B. Aquaculture animals and listed species
C. Listed diseases
II. Health status
A. Disease-free status
B. Recognized eradication program
C. Special case of national measures
D. Voluntary surveillance program
E. Undefined status
III. Movement between Member States
IV. Procedure for issuing a health certificate (or notification)
A. Request
B. Order
ANNEX I: Example of self-certification document (paper) accompanying aquaculture animals of listed species to a destination establishment that has a voluntary surveillance plan for a particular category C disease
ANNEX II: Example of self-certification document (paper) accompanying aquaculture animals of unlisted species or species listed as "vectors" in the Annex to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1882 but that do not fulfil the conditions to be considered as vectors for movement purposes (Annex I of Delegated Regulation 2020/990)
ANNEX III: Example of self-certification document (paper) accompanying aquaculture animals of species with no recognized health status.