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Animal feedInvertebrates

Insect farming dispute: Alternative protein pathway or industrialized animal suffering?

By May 6th 2024May 22nd, 2024No Comments

Document type : article published in Food Ingredients First

Author : Joshua Poole

Preview: insect protein is widely touted as a scalable solution for more sustainable food systems, but animal protection groups have questioned the true ecological impact and morality of this burgeoning industry. Food Ingredients First hears arguments for and against industrialized insect production from the International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed (IPIFF) and Eurogroup for Animals. The debate centers around the fact that insect protein is currently mainly produced for animal feed, leading critics to suggest the sector is simply serving to reinforce conventional animal agriculture. However, industry advocates argue insect farming could be crucial to meeting the world's growing demand for sustainable protein through animal feed and human nutrition products. (...)
Appetite and affordability (...)
Insect welfare concerns (...)

From the Food Ingredients First website