Document type: project website for Entr'ACTES form Idele
Author : Entr'ACTES
Preview: The Entr'ACTES project aims to assess the impacts of current differences over livestock farming on farmers' practices and how they interact with the rest of society. Its aim is to investigate how the debate is perceived by those working in the livestock industry, and to identify the range of changes they have made to practices and the initiatives they are putting in place to restablish links with the public. It will provide:
- training tools and methods for trainers and teachers of current and future livestock farmers and farm advisors, to help them better understand change in livestock farming.
- knowledge and tools for other professionals working in the sector, to help them support farmers in transforming practices and systems to better respond to societal challenges and the changes that result from these. Farmers will thus be able to carry out their profession with pride.
- Suppport livestock practitioners in achieving the transition towards greater attention to societal issues in their practices.
- Encourage the development of farming activities with a shared meaning for those in the livestock sector and the rest of society.
- Help reestablish links between livestock farming and the rest of society.
4operational actions
1- Take stock of what it means to be a livestock farmer in France today.
2- Assess how livestock farmers and future farmers are responding to the challenges facing society.
3- Explore the shared actions being carried out by the sector to meet society's expectations.
4- Create tools to support and train livestock farmers, future farmers and advisors.