Document type: training information published on the Well-being animal welfare by the Chambers of Agriculture
Author : Chambers of Agriculture
Preview: animal welfare is one of farmers' daily concerns. It is a training subject in its own right, embracing the understanding of societal and economic issues, familiarisation with the regulations, and learning about animal behavioral needs. Animal welfare is also an issue in a number of other training areas, such as building management, animal handling and medical or surgical interventions, animal health, etc.
Training on animal welfare is also a regulatory requirement for animal welfare advisers on pig and poultry farms. These courses must be run by recognized providers, and the training must be validated by VIVEA or OCAPIAT. The Chambers of Agriculture offer accredited training in most livestock sectors and regions. These accredited courses cover a wide range of livestock-related topics: health, design and management of buildings and housing, behaviors, feeding, etc.