Keyword : Castration

National Assembly: written answer to question n°1076: Management of stray animals in metropolitan and overseas France

Question: Mrs Corinne Vignon (Ensemble pour la République - Haute-Garonne (3rd constituency)). Answer: Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry

Published in 2024

Question from a French Depputy to the Minister of Agriculture on the delay in publishing the report on stray animals in France, scheduled by law for 2021. In response, the Ministry stated that a report was in progress, and pointed to concrete actions, such as its call for projects and provision of 3 million euros to fund the sterilization of stray cats.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: Felines

Keywords: Adoption,Abandonment, Castration, Population management, Sterilization

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National Assembly: written answer to question n°793: Protection and care of stray cats

Question: Mr Gérard Leseul Seine-Maritime (5th district) - Socialistes et apparentés. Answer: Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry

Published in 2024

Answer from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry to a question from a member of parliament concerning the protection and care of stray cats. Measures such as the creation of an endowment for the care of stray cats in communes or the introduction of an animal referent in police stations were introduced in 2023, but their application is slow in coming.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: Felines

Keywords: Adoption,Abandonment, Castration, Population management, Sterilization

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European Parliament: Written answer to Question E-001586/2024: Illegal docking of piglet tails in the Netherlands

Question: Anja Hazekamp (The Left). Answer: Mrs Kyriakides on behalf of the European Commission

Published in 2024

Reply from the European Commission to an MEP concerning the routine tail docking of piglets, which is illegal in some EU Member States, notably the Netherlands.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: Porcines

Key words:Castration, Pain, Sterilization

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Development of the calf grimace scale for pain and stress assessment in castrated Angus beef calves

Farghal, M., Pajor, E., Luna, S.P.L., Pang D., Windeyer M.C. & Ceballos M.C.

Published in 2024

Scientific study measuring the effectiveness of a Calf Grimace Scale (CGS) for assessing pain and stress. VGS scores increase after castration, but also under the effect of external factors such as separation from the mother. The VGS can therefore identify acute pain and also detect stress in calves.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories: Bovines

Key words:Castration, Pain, Weaning, Sterilization, Stress

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Comparison of the Competitiveness for Danish, Dutch, and German Piglet Producers under Consideration of Country-Specific Methods of Piglet Castration with Anesthesia

Mandes Verhaagh

Published in 2024

Study comparing the competitiveness of Danish, Dutch and German piglet producers according to the anaesthesia methods used in each country to castrate the animals, which may generate additional costs.

Document Types: Technical review

Animal categories: Porcines

Key words:Castration, Pain, Sterilization

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Organic rearing of non-castrated male pigs: welfare indicators, carcass traits, pork quality and boar taint in Duroc and Pietrain crossbreds

Lebret B, Ferchaud S, Poissonnet A, Prunier A

Published in 2024

Scientific study comparing two organically-rased genotypes of uncastrated male pigs to assess their welfare and meat quality. Large-White x Duroc pigs displayed fewer body lesions, but had an increased risk of unpleasant odors linked to boar taint.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories: Porcines

Key words:Castration, Carcass quality, Sterilization, livestock farming system

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The Welfare of Dogs and Cats in the European Union: A Gap Analysis of the Current Legal Framework

Contalbrigo, L.; Normando, S.; Bassan, E.; Mutinelli, F.

Published in 2024

Analytical article raising the issue of pet welfare not covered by European legislation, such as ethical breeding, sales, transport and end-of-life care. It concludes that a transdisciplinary approach and better education in responsible pet ownership are essential to improve pet protection via a harmonized legal framework.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: Canines, Felines

Keywords:Abandonment, Adoption, Castration, Euthanasia, End of life, Abuse, Living environment, One Welfare, Spaying, Aging, Animal trade

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Modalités d’attribution et de mobilisation de la dotation budgétaire de trois millions d’euros dédiée à la stérilisation des chats errants par les collectivités territoriales et inscrite dans la loi de finances pour l’année 2024

Direction Générale de l'Alimentation (DGAL) and Sous-direction de la santé et du bien-être animal Bureau du bien-être animal (SDSBEA) of the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food.

Published in 2024

Technical instruction detailing the terms and conditions for the allocation of a three million-euro grant for the sterilization of stray and domestic cats by local authorities, in accordance with the 2024 Finance Act.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: Felines

Keywords: Adoption,Abandonment, Castration, Population management, Sterilization

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Less experienced observers assess piglet castration-induced acute pain differently than experienced observers: A pilot study

da Silva GV, Lopez-Soriano M, Pairis-Garcia MD, Trindade PHE

Published in 2024

Pilot study to investigate the effects of observer experience levels on pain assessments following pig castration in which observers with three experience levels  used the UPAPS scale to assess the animals.  Inexperienced observers showed lower agreement than experienced observers, although their predictive ability was similar.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories: Porcines

Keywords:Animal-based measurement, Castration, Pain, Education, Sterilization, Vocalization

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Immunocastrer les porcs, qu’en pensent les consommateurs ?

Leroux M, Hémonic A, Tallet C

Published in 2024

Survey results showing that the provision to consumers of information on the technique of  immunocastration for pigs (as an alternative to castration) counters any reluctance they feel to buy this type of product.

Document types: Technical Paper

Animal categories: Porcines

Keywords:Castration, Pain, Education, Mutilation, Carcass quality, Sterilization, Processing

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